Kindale offers a wide variety of activities and amenities to persons with diverse abilities to enrich the quality of life of the people we serve. However, many of these activities are not covered by core funding that we receive through our funders. Increasingly, Kindale has had to rely on donations and grants to ensure that persons served receive the quality of care and programs they deserve. Kindale Thrift Store help to supplement this income, and are an important part of Kindale fundraising.
We have a wonderful team of staff and volunteers (including persons served) who help to make our thrift stores so successful and who are integral in allowing us to continue to offer all of our wonderful services.
We use the money generated by the Thrift Store and other donations for activities and amenities such as:
- Using recreational facilities
- Going on outings in the community
- Participating in outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking and skiing
- Food
- Clothing
- Personal hygiene products
- Transportation
- Furniture
- Non-prescription medicines & vitamins
What We Do Accept:
Most gently used household items, clean and in good repair, including: clothing, shoes, handbags, backpacks, kitchen utensils and cooking equipment, books, games, children’s toys, craft supplies, sporting goods, seasonal decorations.
What We Do Not Accept:
Computers, printers, scanners, TVs, VHS or DVD players – these can be taken to the Recycling Depot. Large furniture – try the Gleaners in Vernon. Mattresses or boxsprings – the Landfill will recycle.
Monday-Saturdays 9:30am-4:30pm
2725 Patterson Avenue
250-546-3005 ext. 5007